Do you have the conception that perfect marketing strategies can bring success to your company? Do you think revenue generation should be the only aim of any company? Well, you must change the thought process if you really want sustainable development of your company. Why? Let us check out.
Preventing Wrong People
If you have a set of norms to define the culture of your organization then following the same will prevent the entry of wrong people in your organization. When wrong people are out of the organization it will automatically become a great place to work. For example, if you need a strictly disciplined work culture then people with defense background are preferred over youngsters just out of college.
When wrong people are out of the organization it will automatically become a great place to work
Preventing Wrong Thinking
When employees are aware of the organizational culture and determined to follow the same they will never have negative feelings towards the company or towards their peers. A positive vibe within the organization always boosts company success.
Preventing Isolation
Every department of your company from HR to sales, admin to finance have their own set of rules and regulations. these internal variations of business functions can create small worlds within the same organization which is not good for the overall growth of the company. With a defined organizational culture, you can bridge this gap. How different may be their job each business function will consider themselves as a part of the company.
How different may be their job each business function will consider themselves as a part of the company
Foster Healthy Competition
This is another reason why you should have a good organizational culture. A rich organizational culture means transparency in performance rating systems and unbiased promotions. This kind of culture leads to healthy competition at the workplace and employees perform their best to earn recognition and appreciation.
This kind of culture leads to healthy competition at the workplace and employees perform their best to earn recognition and appreciation
Gets the Best without Compulsion
When you have strong organizational culture workers need not be forced to work. They are aware that they will be paid in the best possible way if they perform. For example, if sending reports on the right time is a basic responsibility of the worker the management need not follow up every now and then to get the report. Workers, how busy they might be, they will send the reports on time.
When you have strong organizational culture workers need not be forced to work. They are aware that they will be paid in the best possible way if they perform
So which factors can affect organizational culture the most?
- The crust of your organization is your employees; hence their attitude, mentalities, interests, and perception towards life affect the organizational culture the most.
- The ratio of male and female employees in the organization directly influences the organizational culture. While men are known to be more aggressive, female employees are more caring and diligent.
- While some business provides job security but low income, some offer lucrative career but job uncertainty. Hence the nature of business directly impacts the organizational culture.
- Organizational culture is also dependent on the type of clients they handle. For example, Indian companies who handle customer service for other countries need workers who can work in shifts.
Now as right organizational culture is important for the growth of a company, the next important question is how to build the right culture?
- Let people know the values and ethics on which the organization has been built. When people know the meaning of brand logos, its mission, and vision, they are more interested in maintaining organizational culture as this makes them feel a part of the company.
- People can be incentivized to follow the right culture. Now, incentives just do not mean monetary rewards but also non-monetary rewards like respect and recognition.
- The next important approach towards right organizational culture is making people believe that following certain behavioral norms is a prerequisite to survival under constant environmental changes. There should be historical evidence, following such rules have helped the organization face challenges successfully.
- The sense of security is another potent to make people follow the organizational culture. Behavioral norms like respecting women and stop to public display of affection may make female employees more respected at your company.
- Creating a blend of local culture and organizational culture is another excellent approach to get employees easily follow the defined rules and regulations of the company. By having a balance between organizational culture and the local customs you can win the hearts of the employees; when they join your company, and they will certainly feel at home.
- Last but not the least; keep an open ear to the voice of your employees. Employee feedback plays a crucial role in getting the right organizational culture.
Good organizational culture is defined as a set of rituals which embed all the employees and partners of the company. It no more remains a daily job to earn money but true organizational culture creates a family bonding between all the members. Hence building a healthy organizational culture to have satisfied employees which in turn will bring in more clients.
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YRC is an “Expert Service Division” of Mind-A-Mend Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Author Bio
Rupal Agarwal
Chief Strategy Officer